‘Vampire Diaries’ Season 2 Werewolf News

Thank goodness for 2010 San Diego Comic-Con! We’re getting SO much news on our favorite shows, like The Vampire Diaries. We’ve got some season two werewolf goodies thanks to an interview with Matt Davis (Alaric), Paul Wesley (Stefan) and Michael Trevino (Tyler). At Comic-Con last weekend, the guys were asked what they think their Michael Trevino, the werewolf on the show, will look like as a wolf. Their answers weren’t exactly serious, but they were funny.

“He’s going to look like ‘Teen Wolf,’ like Michael J. Fox. You ever see that? He’s going to be on the basketball team,” Paul said jokingly.

“His eyes are going to get big and he’s going to spring a couple of chest hairs [insert bing bing noise here],” Matt said.

“Yeah, and, like, two little floppy ears,” Paul added.

Michael wasn’t too happy with his castmates’ teasing. “Let’s just all gang up on Trevino here,” he grumbled.

Eventually the silly boys behaved and gave us fans the real dish, Michael said the wolves will be very realistic looking, obviously, since they’re using real wolves. “Well, I don’t want to look anything like ‘Twilight‘ because they have abnormally large wolves or canines or whatever you want to call it,” he said. “[That’s] CGI. We’re going to be using real wolves that we are auditioning right now.”

Michael added that this past Monday (July 26) is when he would come face-to-face with his the real wolves. “I get to meet a few of the wolves and we do a test run, interacting with them and things like that, seeing which ones will work.” (If you’re curious about how real wolves work on set check this out.)

Michael and creator Kevin Williamson then confirmed that Tyler will complete a full transformation during a full moon, but it won’t happen until episode 8 or 9. “I’m not really sure yet where he will actually go through the transformation, but a lot leads up to that. It’s a very multi-layered curse,” Kevin hinted.

You can watch the boy’s interview here:

Yay! Werewolves!

The Vampire Diaries will return September 9.

– Moonlight

By moonlight

One of the writers for werewolves.com, as well as vampires.com.


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