Universal Monsters Little Golden Book

I daresay that most of us, for certain most of us living, as James Brown crooned, in America, grew up with Little Golden Books. For kids not yet in school, and kids first learning the alphabet, they were our first pleasure reads. Like it was with me; I’d sit and peruse Little Golden Books, along with comic books, before I could even read the words, and the desire to read them spurred me in my efforts at school. It’s not bragging on my part when I note that I was reading at a level ahead of my classmates, and sooner. Don’t credit any enhanced IQ on my part (even if it is true, heh heh) rather my exposure to books during my formative years.

Had the Universal Monsters Little Golden Book existed back during the days of my childhood, it would have been my favorite, hands down. Of course this delightful treasure is being brought to us by Funko. Teaming up with Penguin Random House (the publishing house that owns Little Golden Books) and Universal, natch, all the classic Monsters appearing in the book take the form of their adorable Funko-fied selves. And any self-respecting Monsterkid will recognize the name of the book’s author, MD Brundlefly, as an homage to David Cronenberg’s THE FLY. (The endearing illustrations are provided by Meg Dunn.) This little book is so packed with geeky awesomeness that it’s hard to believe it’s so lightweight. It ought to weigh a ton.

By The Evil Cheezman

WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS (www.evilcheezproductions.blogspot.com, www.facebook.com/evilcheezproductions), specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced and directed (and occasionally acted in) over a dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and Crime genres. His first novel, THE CONFESSIONS OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER: WEREWOLF, is available for purchase at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/734763 MORTUI VELOCES SUNT!

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