It’s that time again! Time for another True Blood update packed full of all sorts of werewolf goodies. Hurray! Now, if you’re a little behind and wondering why the hell I’m talking about a vampire show on a werewolf site, let me fill you in. Season 3 of True Blood starts June 13, 2010 and this time around the vampires aren’t the only ones running the show, oh no, werewolves have been added to the mix. Excited now? Good. Now have a look at the True Blood werewolf news:
New Werewolf Poster
As I mentioned in my last update, HBO will be revealing a new collectible True Blood poster will be each week. They’re all leading up to the premiere of True Blood Season 3 on Sunday, June 13th, 2010. Have a look at this kickass werewolf poster they revealed a while back. Love it! If you love it too, then head over to the True Blood site and either download it or buy a full-sized poster for your bedroom wall.
Season 3 Preview
HBO has finally given us starved fans a season 3 trailer! Finally! The clip not only shows some hot vampire action, which no one here cares about, but it shows the new werewolves too! Not only do we get a glimpse at the sexy new werewolf Alcide, but we also get a peak at the lycanthrope bar and at the werewolves in wolf form. I can’t wait for season 3!
Check out the preview and let us know what you think:
New Wallpaper
HBO has come out with a brand new wallpaper for your desktop! It mostly consists of all the old characters, but, if you look closely you’ll see the new wolf in the background. Click for full size.
Short Werewolf Clip
A painfully short season3 werewolf video was released as well. Have a look:
So what do you old True Blood fans think? Are you excited about the werewolves that have been added to the party? I am beyond excited for it! But what about those of you that haven’t watch True Blood, will you start now that there are wolves?
– Moonlight
love it, big fan
So does he just look like a normal wolf? I hope not, I hope that its just a tease and that ends up being Sam shape shifting into a wolf to throw us off.
No, they used real life wolves in the shooting of season three. The werewolves turn into wolves.