Toby Whithouse Chats About Season 5 of Being Human (UK)

Season 5 of the original Being Human is coming! While you wait for its return, I’ve got a few goodies for you. First is a bit of Season 5 dish from creator Toby Whithouse and then the official Season 5 description. Check it out!

bhukThe new season will be comprised of just six episodes, but the finale (written by Whithouse) promises to be a hell of a ride. He said, “This one has cameos from two guests from last year… no, Mitchell isn’t coming back, because he’s dead. And so are George and Nina! We’re not only told what Captain Hatch’s plan is but we see it played out, in some of the biggest setpieces we’ve ever done. And the end will leave you guessing. There will be much discussion about the end…”


Check out the Season 5 synopsis:

“Hal, Tom, and Alex are three housemates with some serious issues on their hands. Hal (Damien Molony) is a 500-year-old vampire, Tom is a hardened werewolf (Michael Socha), and Alex (Kate Bracken) has recently had the misfortune of becoming a ghost. Strapped to a chair in the living room, Hal is finding it tough going cold-turkey – mostly because the mess Tom has made is really bothering him. But when Tom and Alex release Hal, they’re not to know it’s far too soon to be letting a bloodthirsty vampire onto the streets… When Hal recruits Crumb as a vampire and welcomes him to the supernatural world, the meek becomes mighty and we see what happens when a bullied man finds his bite. Meanwhile, Rook – head of a shady government department in charge of keeping the supernatural world secret – is given some devastating news.”

What do you original Being Human fans think? Are you excited about the new season?

– Moonlight

About the Author
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to werewolves and other supernatural beasties. She writes for top genre sites like and You will most likely find her huddled over a book of folklore with coffee in hand. You can stalk her via her Twitter.


By moonlight

One of the writers for, as well as

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