‘The Wrong Night in Texas’ Review

When checking my mail today, I got one fantastic package from Joshua Boulet. But before I get to the contents of the package let me first point something out. The package was addressed to me as “Moonlight aka Amanda” and next to the “Moonlight” was a drawing of a big ol’ moon, which got a smile from me and automatically earned Mr. Boulet 100 awesome points. Onwards!

Inside the envelope is a plastic-wrapped copy of Boulet’s graphic novel The Wrong Night In Texas, and I don’t know what it is about comic books wrapped in plastic that brings out the giddy geek in me, but I love it.

I crawl into bed with the book in hand, admire the beautiful yet fearsome cover art and open it up to find that the artist himself has signed it for me – 100 more awesome points. As I start reading I am instantly impressed with the artwork. Josh’s use of bold colors and his ability to capture the mood of each scene is perfect.

Without giving too much away, I’ll just say that The Wrong Night in Texas starts out with one kickass werewolf scene. What follows next is a series of blood, mass amounts of gore and violence and everything else a werewolf story should be. This isn’t Twilight (thank goodness) it’s a full on horror tale, that (as the back of the book says) “keeps true to the genre.” I will say that the bloody naked scene was disturbing, but the perfectly drawn werewolf transformation that followed made up for it.

After finishing the comic I wanted more, I can’t wait to see what else he has planned.

If you’re a fan of werewolves and horror I highly suggest getting a copy of Joshua Boulet’s The Wrong Night in Texas. You can order this radass werewolf comic HERE.

– Moonlight

By moonlight

One of the writers for werewolves.com, as well as vampires.com.


  1. GOD! Why i have to live in Brazil that these cool books will neve reach?

    Anyway, i have seen the sample pages that he have in his website, and well, i loved to see the eyeball of the guy popping out of his head :3

    But oh well… Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose

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