The Beast of Land Between the Lakes: First the Story, then the Facts

Sometime in the late 70s or early 80s, the Young family was wiped out in an attack by the Beast, a “Dogman” or werewolf. The family, visiting from Florida, was found torn to pieces in their RV. The names of the parents aren’t recorded but they had two children, Bradley and Megan. Megan wasn’t with the rest of her family in the RV, though, as her remains had been hauled up into a tree. A police deputy named Philip Douglas and a State trooper named William Folkson discovered the bodies. That’s the story.

What’s that quote from THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE? “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.”

Here’s some documentation I *was* able to find concerning the Beast. This comes from U.S. Forest Service Public Affairs Specialist Carlin Lewis: “We have no evidence, records, documentation of any validated sightings of the Beast. Some of our staff have worked on Land Between the Lakes for many years. A lot of them know every nook and cranny. They’ve never seen anything that would point back to a beast existing.” Seems conclusive.

So what do you think? Were there killings that were covered up? Or is it all balderdash?

By The Evil Cheezman

WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS (,, specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced and directed (and occasionally acted in) over a dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and Crime genres. His first novel, THE CONFESSIONS OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER: WEREWOLF, is available for purchase at MORTUI VELOCES SUNT!


  1. I have watched videos on you tube about this story and NOBODY can get the actual family’s names right or where they lived. My husbands family the Elder’s and the Jolley’s lives in Mayfield and the Fancy Farm area.They love to talk about the scary werewolf stories but they say truth betold the family was killed by the crazy father and the animals tore the bodies apart after they were dead. No girl was found in any tree. But this is Kentucky and you know how people LOVE to talk and tell BIG whoppers.

    1. I saw a deer commit suicide running from something by the bridge by demumber bay this deer crossed the guard rails with it’s tung out eyes pooped out it’s head scared to death I’m a hunter.iv never seen. A deer act like this the deer ran
      . Into my SUV looking behind it falling down then. Fell over the guard rails too it’s death by the tracks i wanted too see what was chasing it but. My ol lady wouldn’t let me.

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