TEEN WOLF’s Nogitsune: A Worthy Werewolf Opponent

What’s your favorite villain/monster from MTV’s series TEEN WOLF? I’d have to say mine is the Nogitsune. I’m not a huge mark for the show, honestly, but it is at its best when serving up new and different types of evil baddies for its heroes to have to face. I enjoy the sampling from other types of mythology. That’s the sort of thing that BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER used to do so well. While vampires remained the primary staple of Buffy’s diet, she not infrequently had to do battle with other sorts of mythological baddies. Myself, I’d watch a show focusing exclusively on having a werewolf fight such varying critters.

What sort of creature would you like to see a werewolf duke it out with? Don’t say vampire. Vampires versus werewolves has been done to death. A werewolf versus a zombie wouldn’t be much of a fight at all; the werewolf would shred the zombie immediately. (A whole horde of zombies, on the other hand . . . ) But how about a werewolf against a Wendigo? Or a werewolf against a were-jaguar? The beast from AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON battling the Kothoga from the film THE RELIC? Now that’s a fight I’d pay to see! Any others?

By The Evil Cheezman

WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS (www.evilcheezproductions.blogspot.com, www.facebook.com/evilcheezproductions), specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced and directed (and occasionally acted in) over a dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and Crime genres. His first novel, THE CONFESSIONS OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER: WEREWOLF, is available for purchase at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/734763 MORTUI VELOCES SUNT!

1 comment

  1. American Werewolf in London v the Kothoga (‘Mbawun’ in the book)? No fight. The Kothoga is three times its size. Ditto a Wen-di-go, a skeletal cannibalistic giant with a heart of ice.

    Were-tigers, better.

    Werewolf v Velociraptor? Now we’re talking!

    Sentient(as in has full control) werewolf v. Jason Vorhees. The Predator (a REAL fight).

    Werewolf v. Japanese oni.

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