You hardcore Teen Wolf fans can finally mark the date on your calendar and begin the countdown to MTV’s highly anticipated werewolf show! The Season 2 premiere date was recently announced, and, the big day is June 3rd, 2012, which just so happens to be the night of a full moon.
If the date itself isn’t good enough news for you, I have more! It has also been announced that Season 2 will be 24 episodes long, unlike Season 1 which was only 12 episodes. 24 werewolf-packed, hour-long episodes for your viewing pleasure! Woo! I think it’s safe to say that we’re going to get a whole lot of werewolf action this summer. Here’s hoping the story is good enough to fill that 24 episode slot and they don’t run out of ideas and have a billion lame side stories (like True Blood).
According to various Teen Wolf rumors, in Season 2 we’re going to see Scott become more of a bad boy and Stiles won’t be there to pull him back since Stiles will be dealing with his own drama. Also, new alpha Derek will possibly be increasing his pack numbers in order to really be the top dog… or wolf. As for Scott’s lady love, Allison will become a more skilled and adept hunter. I wonder who she will be hunting?
Lydia’s fate is still very hush hush, that was the big cliff hanger of Season 1 so of course there won’t be any news on what’s going on with her. Is she a werewolf? Is she something else? Is she even human anymore? I guess we will have to wait and see.
How excited are you about Teen Wolf Season 2? What are your predictions, what do you think will go down in the upcoming season?
– Moonlight
24 episodes? I have a bad feeling about this….
Yeah, it makes me happy and nervous at the same time. I have a feeling there may be a lot of filler.
Well, I hope it’s a good thing, and since Allison already knows scott’s secret, I think it’s hot, hopefully they can go after the badguys together, in a Romeo and Juliet kind of way, it would be nice if allison’s father could accept Scott for who he is, not everyone who turns into a werewolf is bad.
This show surprised me by actually being really good, and I hope it continues to surprise me by pushing the envelope instead of falling in a rut.
I am not thrilled about that female werewolf because what I heard so far is a bit too cliché for my taste (the whole that she is the only one and of course a sexual predator of a sort). Maybe it is good, or maybe not.
Too bad if there would be other supes they probably would have the werewolves be the most powerful. Never mind many other shapeshifters could wipe the floor with them.
But like I said we will see in less than two months. We will see. I mean wouldn’t be the first time that a show ruins itself.