The Gates is a new show on ABC that premiered this summer and so far this supernatural soap opera is faring well, gaining new fans every week. The show starts out following Nick Monohan and his family, who have moved from Chicago to a quiet, upscale planned community called The Gates, where he will be…
Tag: witches
Werewolves: The Up And Coming Explosion?
Since the premier of Twilight in 2008 there has been an explosion of vampire mania. It would appear that people are taking a real interest in vampires and this is not the first time this has happened. Though it did not cause as big an uproar, Anne Rice did cause a new wave of vampire…
Werecats: The Lions of Tsavo
Canine transformation is at the forefront of shapeshifting folklore; it seems that there are werewolf legends in almost every country and culture, but for some reason, canine transformation is much more popular than its sister in folklore; feline transformation. For thousands of years, people have believed in the ‘werecat’, i.e., the ability of some sorcerers,…