New Moon: Introducing The Pack

Yup, it is time to talk about the second Twilight flick, New Moon. But why are we talking about this series, with its glittery vampires, on here? Because this second movie is when we meet the La Push werewolf pack, this is the movie where (the now sexy) Jacob Black gets more than a small…

A Decade’s Worth of Werewolf Movies: 1990s

As previously shown in ‘Nearly 10 Years of Werewolves‘, there are loads of werewolf movies out there that very few of us have heard of. So here we are again, this time werewolf movies from the 90’s. Here is your list of the superb Hollywood blockbusters and the low budget disasters and everything in between…

World of Warcraft: Worgen

Confirmed at Blizzcon 2009 was the new World of Warcraft expansion, set to come out in 2010.  If you are a die-hard WoW fan like myself you probably came close to dying due to an extreme nerdgasm when you heard about Cataclysm. I mean, the new world changing storyline,  the archeology profession, the class/race additions,…

Hypertrichosis (Werewolf Syndrome)

Hypertrichosis is a genetic disorder that triggers uncontrolled hair growth due to physical defects like non-functioning of endocrine gland, infections, mutation, malnutrition, drugs or hereditary factors. Also called werewolf syndrome, it leads to hair formation in unwanted areas generally exempting the hands, feet and eyes. Werewolf syndrome is a rare condition which affects only one…

Vampires & Werewolves: Similarities and Differences

Vampires and werewolves are familiar monsters to most of us. They star in movies and are popular Halloween costume choices. However, these mystical creatures also share deeper similarities. Both vampires and werewolves are shape-shifting creatures. They are thought to change form from a human to an animal. In the case of a vampire, an undead…