The CW’s Violent Take on Beauty and the Beast Sure to Thrill Werewolf Fans

Coming October 11, 2012 is The CW’s new show Beauty and the Beast… which doesn’t actually have any werewolves. I know I know! But before you curse me and click the X in the corner of your screen, hear me out. After doing some digging into the upcoming show, I think it’s one that werewolf…

Review of Wolfpack Of Reseda

Wolfpack of Resenda is a webseries that originally premiered a few months back on Myspace (yes, it still exists) and an assortment of other digital shops. The series is about Ben March’s mundane 20-something life transforming when he becomes convinced he’s been bitten by a werewolf in the suburban-Los Angeles stretch of Reseda. According to…

‘Rosario + Vampire’ For Pervy Werewolf Fans Too!

It may have “vampire” right there in the title, but Rosario + Vampire is an awesome show for werewolf fans as well. I wrote about this quirky anime show over at and didn’t think to mention it here until I finished the first season and got into the second, and realized that the werewolf…

New Werewolf Show ‘Hemlock Grove’ On the Way!

That’s right guys, a brand new werewolf show, one starring some big celebs, is on the way! However, if you want to watch it you’ll have to have a Netflix account. Netflix has inked a deal with horror director Eli Roth to create Hemlock Grove, an original series about “murder, mystery, and monsters,” the company…

Watch First Episode of ‘Wolfpack Of Reseda’ Now

While scanning my Kindle Fire for newly released videos, I came across a brand new werewolf show – Wolfpack of Resenda. The new, scripted web series premiered on Myspace (which apparently still exists) February 16, as well as a variety of digital stores. The series, which was produced by car company Kia (odd), is about…

MTV’s Death Valley Season 1 Now on DVD

I haven’t really heard much of anything on MTV’s cop mockumentary Death Valley since it first aired months ago, but apparently it’s now available on DVD. To those of you new to the show, it’s set in a world of werewolves, vampires and zombies and it follows a group of cops as they deal with…

True Blood’s Joe Manganiello Teases ‘Unbelievable’ Werewolf-Filled Season 5

The past four seasons of True Blood have focused mostly on vampires, obviously, with a few minor werewolf storylines. Those werewolf storylines weren’t all that spectacular since the werewolves in the show tend to be giant pansies ruled by the bloodsuckers. But according to Joe Manganiello, who is better known as the werewolf Alcide, season…

The Magical Werewolf-filled World of Tara Duncan

While I may be 25-years-old I’m a giant kid at heart and spend far more time watching cartoons than anything else. I love me some cartoons and was beyond happy when I stumbled across a new one, one with werewolves in it! Hell to the yes! The show is called Tara Duncan and is originally…

Supernatural: The Anime Series

That’s right my wonderful werewolf fans, the widely popular live-action TV show Supernatural was made into an anime series! I only recently discovered the anime myself and after checking out the first episode I have to admit I’m pretty geeked about the whole thing. Supernatural: The Anime Series was released this past July by Madhouse…