Asena the Wolf Child

Time to delve into the world of Turkic mythology dear readers. Do you remember the Roman myth of Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers raised by a she-wolf that built Rome? Well, today’s legend is a little like that one. Rome wasn’t the only created thanks to wolves, it’s said that a Turkish nation was…

The Many Ways To Become A Werewolf

I bet many of you are wondering how someone is turned into a werewolf. We all know the most popular way which involves being bitten by another werewolf. But if you take a look at folklore, old customs and traditions throughout the world you’ll learn that there are several ways someone was believed to turn…

A Norwegian Werewolf Legend

In Norway it was once believed that certain people could assume the form of a wolf or a bear. But, the ability to transform was usually a curse put on them by the Trollmen, or that it was the trolls themselves that were the shapeshifters. Here’s an old legend about trolls, werewolves and a curse.…

The Chindi

Many have claimed to have seen a werewolf before, but was it really a werewolf, or some other kind of shapeshifter – like the Chindi. The chindi is a Navajo shapeshifter that acts as a kind of avenging angel to those people that disrespect any of the Earth Mother’s creatures. According to Navajo artist David…

Werewolves Love Beer and Flesh

Heya readers, remember a while back when I wrote about the crazy bishop Olaus Magnus? He was one of many men from the 1500s that considered themselves experts on the supernatural. Well, good news (sorta) I dug up even more of Olaus Magnus’ thoughts on werewolves, and they’re just as strange as his other theories…

Are Rabies Responsible For Werewolf Myths?

A lot of our old folktales come from the fact that people in the Middle Ages didn’t have the scientific knowledge to logically explain certain medical conditions, so they assumed that it was simply magic. From their ignorance came forth many of the myths and folktales we know so well. But what about werewolves? Is…

The Androscoggin County Werewolf?

Most werewolf folktales are from centuries ago, long before they had the knowledge we have now to explain strange occurrences. Yet even now in our time of science and logic some continue to believe in the weird and paranormal, which we saw a few years back in Turner, Maine. In 2006 a mysterious creature was…

The Annoying Böxenwolf

Werewolf folklore time! Woooo! So, in Germany in the region between the Diester River and the Weser River they tell a tale about the odd böxenwolf, a werewolf that’s more of a pain in the ass than a deadly fearful monster. The böxenwolf liked to spend its nights preying upon weary travelers, but he didn’t…

The Harz Mountain Werewolf

Today dear readers, I bring you yet another old werewolf folktale. Like most werewolf legends, this one contains grisly deaths, gore and an unhappy ending. Once upon a time, Count van Breber and his beloved countess Hilda were vacationing in the Harz Mountains in Germany. One evening they stopped at an inn, and, while chatting…

The Werewolves of Wales

Records of a giant wolf-like creature in North Wales date back to 1790, when a stagecoach traveling between Denbigh and Wrexham was attacked and overturned by a big black beast that was said to be as long as the coach horses. This werewolf pounced on and savagely ripped apart one of the horses, the other…