It has been a long, long while since we had a post on werewolf movie trivia, so I am bringing the howl-worthy fun back! I am a total trivia geek, I love filling my brain with useless information, and what’s better than werewolf movie trivia? Check out the random bit of furry goodness below! In…
Tag: Werewolf Movie Trivia
Werewolf Movie Trivia: Part 3
It has been a long while since I did a wolf-tastic movie trivia post. So here I am with a new edition of werewolf movie trivia, an entire post dedicated to random bits of information about your favorite werewolf flicks! Woo! Enjoy! In the 2011 film Red Riding Hood, starring the gorgeous Amanda Seyfried, Twilight’s…
Werewolf Movie Trivia: Part 2
Yup, I’m finally bringing it back! Werewolf movie trivia! Woo! So prepare yourselves Dear Readers for even more totally useless facts about your beloved werewolf films. On Jimmy Kimmel’s “Total Eclipse of the heart” special Robert Pattinson revealed that the censors required that the wolves in the Twilight flicks have no genitalia whenever they appear…
Werewolf Movie Trivia
Hurray! Here’s some inside info on me, I am a HUGE trivia junkie. I absolutely love random and completely useless facts. I also love werewolf movies, so when you combine the two you’ve got posts like this. Here’s a list of some radass werewolf movie trivia: In The Wolf Man (1941), Talbot battled a bear…