Exclusive Interview with Brad Steiger of The Werewolf Book!

I don’t even need to introduce this author since I can guarantee virtually all of us own a copy of The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings. The second edition of this incredibly popular book is hitting bookstores September 1 and I was lucky enough to chat with Brad Steiger himself on what we…

‘The Werewolf Book’ Gets an Update

The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings by Brad Steiger is hands down the most popular book on werewolves, you can find it in virtually any bookstore. The book has been out for a few years so you may be wondering why I am mentioning it now, well, the book is getting an update.…

Spiritual Shapeshifting

In ancient times there were once wise shamans that wished not to physically transform into animals, but to instead to absorb the strength, agility, nobility and spiritual power of the animals they admired and respected. And so I bring you spiritual shapeshifting – not the power to change the form of your body, but the…