Many months ago I switched things up a bit and wrote about werefoxes, the werewolf’s “cousin,” and I hadn’t thought about until recently when a reader asked me why I hadn’t covered werebears as well. So thanks to that reader I am adding some more variety to the mix by giving you werewolf fans another…
Tag: native american tradition
Native American Wolf Gods
With Twilight being as popular as it is there has been an incredible amount of interest in everything Native American and wolf related. The thing is, Stephenie Meyer barely grazed Native American history, and her supposed facts aren’t exactly accurate. So here’s a small look into the expansive world of Native American wolf gods and…
The Chindi
Many have claimed to have seen a werewolf before, but was it really a werewolf, or some other kind of shapeshifter – like the Chindi. The chindi is a Navajo shapeshifter that acts as a kind of avenging angel to those people that disrespect any of the Earth Mother’s creatures. According to Navajo artist David…
The Ferocious Windigo
Native Americans have a handful of stories about those with the ability to shapeshift. Usually this talent of transformation is used as a form of spiritual enlightenment, healing, personal awareness, and insight into tribal issues. With all of that considered, you can see why there are very few stories of Native American shapeshifters attacking and…
Native American Werewolves
Native Americans have incredibly profound and fascinating beliefs, many of them involving wolves. To several tribes (past and present), the wolf itself is known as a protective spirit or totem. They view the wolf as a wise fellow hunter to be respected and admired. In spite of what some Twilight fans think, Stephenie Meyer wasn’t…