EW Chats with Original Being Human Cast on Fourth Season

After a hell of a season finale BBC’s Being Human is finally back for its fourth season. Many of the old characters are now gone, but in spite of that they’re still keeping the momentum going with new cast members and new epic storylines. EW recently chatted with Lenora Crichlow (Annie), Damien Molony (Hal), and…

‘Being Human’ Coming Back for a Fourth Season!

We talk about Being Human a lot here at Werewolves.com and if I’ve learned anything it’s that most of you prefer the original BBC Being Human over the new American version. So I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to know that Being Human is coming back for a fourth season! BBC recently announced that the…

BBC3’s Being Human Adds Two New Werewolves to the Cast

That’s right, even more news for the original BBC series, Being Human, as it premiers with its third season on January 23rd. No word yet on whether or not the new werewolves will show up in the first episode of the third season (or series as its called over there), but it’s clear from the…