Just say the word “werewolf” and the image summoned readily to most minds is that of Lon Chaney Jr., in the classic Universal wolf man makeup. He will forever hold a special place in the hearts of werewolf fanatics everywhere, and without his contributions (and the contributions of his father), it’s impossible to say what…
Tag: halloween
Share Your Best Halloween Memories!
Halloween is almost here! That magnificently horrifying night of candy, costumes and trickery! To celebrate this upcoming holiday I say we reminisce about our past Halloweens. What are your best Halloween memories? What are your favorite costumes you have worn over the years? Share in a comment below! I have many Halloween memories, mostly of…
How to Throw a Werewolf Halloween Party!
It’s our favorite time of year! Halloween! Woo! Which means you’ve got to get ready for that kickass werewolf party you’re going to throw. Here’s some ideas for making the best werewolf party ever. 1. Send out invitations to all your friends with cheesy puns like, “Come join in for a howling good time!” Yea,…
What you could get away with if you were a Werewolf
Imagine you had the ability to turn into a werewolf at the drop of a dime; you were walking along in your city one fateful night and were suddenly brutally attacked by this disgustingly beautiful creature and now, you attained their mystical power. Sit back for a minute and mentally compile a list of things…
Vampires & Werewolves: Similarities and Differences
Vampires and werewolves are familiar monsters to most of us. They star in movies and are popular Halloween costume choices. However, these mystical creatures also share deeper similarities. Both vampires and werewolves are shape-shifting creatures. They are thought to change form from a human to an animal. In the case of a vampire, an undead…