In the 1500s and 1600s the people of France were plagued by the fear of werewolves. There were werewolf sightings, stories, trials and even executions of those who were believed to be a werewolf. It was mass hysteria and many innocents were burned to death all because someone claimed that they were a werewolf. But…
Tag: France
The Gandillon Family
Back in the 1500s mass werewolf hysteria spread throughout France like a plague. The entire country was deathly afraid of werewolves, so much so that hundreds upon hundreds of innocents, believed to be werewolves, were brutally executed. During the spring of 1598 in the Franche-Comte region of France, two children were out picking fruit. The…
The Green Wolf Celebration
Hey readers, this post is about a celebration from way back. Woo! Party? Well not exactly, I’m afraid this is a little different than what you imagined. The celebration of the green wolf marks an ancient custom that observes the times way back when wolves, outlaws and you guessed it, werewolves would hide in the…
Never Piss Off The Wolf
Today readers, I’ll be telling you an old werewolf tale that comes from France, a land full of werewolf stories. This story is about how you never mess with a werewolf because, well, payback is a bitch. This story is about a nobleman from Brittany named Bisclavret. Bisclavret would disappear into the forest for three…
Where Do Werewolves Come From?
Where do werewolves come from? Werewolves are no doubt familiar to anyone who has read a good set of horror stories. These mythical creatures seem like normal humans – except in the case of a full moon. At that time they transform into a wolf, or a wolf and man hybrid creature. While the definition…