My Brother the Werewolf

I have awesome news for the younger werewolf fans (or the older ones who love kid books)! Cry Wolf! (My Brother the Werewolf) by Sienna Mercer is coming to paperback! Mercer’s book series My Sister the Vampire was and still is a huge success. It has loads of little fans (many of them are on…

Cold Weather Werewolf Reading List

I don’t know how the weather is in your part of the world, but where I’m at, the frozen hell known as Michigan, it’s body-numbing cold. It’s this time of year I gruffly retreat to the warmth of my bed, wrap myself in countless blankets and read and read and read. I turn into an…

Hunting Ground, by Patricia Briggs

After reading Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs, I had to pick up Hunting Ground, the next book in the Alpha and Omega series. I was pretty excited about reading it because Briggs just had me hooked with Cry Wolf. I liked Hunting Ground just as much, and I’m hoping that Briggs is hoping to add…