Directed by Daniel Attias. With Gary Busey, Everett McGill, Corey Haim, Megan Follows. A werewolf terrorizes a small city where lives Marty Coslaw, – a paralytic boy – his uncle and his sister – the narrator of the story.the night desk’s insight:If yo…
Tag: Corey Haim
Stephen King’s Silver Bullet
In memory of Corey Haim Werewolves.Com presents Stephen King’s Silver Bullet. When a drunken railway worker is found dead on the tracks after the night of a full moon no one in the small town of Tarker’s Mills has any idea that their long nightmare has begun. Before Corey Haim became a Lost Boy he…
Big Wolf on Campus
Tommy Dawkins’ life was almost perfect. He was the star of his high school football team, he was dating the most popular girl in school and oh yeah… Tommy Dawkins was a werewolf. Everything started the week before the beginning of senior year during a final summer camp out with some of his football buddies.…