See Alcide in New True Blood Promo

I know we have a few Alcide fans here waiting for any news and updates on what’s going down with the werewolf this upcoming season of True Blood. Well, sadly Season five of True Blood won’t premiere until Sunday, June 10, but  worry not! The team behind the show know that “Waiting Sucks,” so they released a new clip from Season 5 and it has some intense werewolf drama.

The latest “Waiting Sucks” promo for True Blood’s season five is a little behind the scenes clip of filming. The clip takes you inside Sookie’s kitchen as werewolf Alcide comes to warn her about the big bad vampire Russell Edgington, which surprises Sookie because she thinks he is dead.

The clip shows Alcide telling Sookie that Russell will come after her, and that for her own safety, she should come stay with him. But as usual, Sookie refuses to listen to reason.

Fans also get a quick look at a very pissed off Lafayette, who appears to be staying at Sookie’s house. “Get the fuck out of here wolf,” Lafayette threatens as he storms into Sookie’s kitchen. “How the fuck do you think you’re going to protect her from an ancient, pissed off vampire?” he shouts at Alcide. “We’re done with all this supernatural bullshit you heard me? No vampires, no ghosts, no witches, no Maenads and no fucking werewolves.”

The wolf should have attacked. Anyway…

As you can see, things get pretty heated. The last we saw of Lafayette he was dealing with the death of his boyfriend Jesus. I’m guessing that all of the magical drama and death has pushed him over the edge and he no longer wants anything to do with the supernatural.

But enough teasing you, check out the video for yourself:

What are your thoughts on this sneak peek? Are you looking forward to this season of True Blood?

– Moonlight

About the Author
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to werewolves and other supernatural beasties. She writes for top genre sites like and You will most likely find her huddled over a book of folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and you may lose a limb. You can stalk her via her Twitter.


By moonlight

One of the writers for, as well as

1 comment

  1. No offense, but what do you see in Alcide? All the guy does is mope, bitch, and whine about Sookie. Whats worse is did it all in front of Debbie; the woman is unstable and he showed his longings for Sookie in front of her. Thats all the depth you’ll ever get from Alcide; a character that is more of a emotional, pussy, Were than a REAL werewolf. Lets not forget, how he lets everyone push him around like a little wimp.

    As for the promo, Lafayette is right. What the hell kind of “life-line” can Alcide offer when his Were kind shit themselves in front of vampires and get their asses killed by them. What is Alcide gonna stroke her hair and act as her little, whipped, poddle when-ever she is scared.

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