Russle Tovey plays the self-loathing werewolf George on the hit BBC show Being Human. The show features more than our new favorite werewolf, but also a ghost and a vampire. All three of these supernatural beings live (or unlive) together, trying desperately to to fit in with the world, but being human is easier said than done.
While searching online for goodies about werewolf George I came across an interview where he discusses the show and what’s coming in season two of Being Human.
Tell us about what’s in store for George, Annie and Mitchell…
The scale is a lot bigger. The threat last series was a supernatural threat, this time it’s a human threat which I think is more exciting. A lot of people buy in to the show because of the domestic kitchen sink quality – even though they’re supernatural, these people could be your neighbours. With the human threat it becomes more accessible and darker.
At the end of series one we saw George embrace his wolfy side, does he continue down that path?
He embraced it in the moment to save his friends, but he didn’t fully accept it. George’s biggest fear was killing someone and for him the wolf was always completely separate from him. Now he’s killed someone and I think that puts him in a state of shock and makes him behave very erratically. He’s not happy with himself, but he’s not scared either – and I think that’s scary in itself.
Was it interesting for you to take the character in a new direction?
It’s completely rooted in truth, but he had to go somewhere completely different and it’s great to explore that side of George. He definitely has that kind of animalistic side to him, but I think it makes him grow up. He’s still loveable, sensitive, screaming George.
We’re also going to see characters with other supernatural powers this series…
You’ll definitely come across more werewolves, ghosts and vampires. A psychic pops up too.
That’s just a small taste, for the full interview head over here.
For more on George and his werewolf transformation check out this post here.
– Moonlight
The scale is a lot bigger. The threat last series was a supernatural threat, this time it’s a human threat which I think is more exciting. A lot of people buy in to the show because of the domestic kitchen sink quality – even though they’re supernatural, these people could be your neighbours. With the human threat it becomes more accessible and darker.
Who is it that’s after the trio this time?
Well, I can’t tell you that obviously. That would ruin it, it’s a massive spoiler!
That’s why we want to know!
(Laughs) Well I’m not going to tell you.
At the end of series one we saw George embrace his wolfy side, does he continue down that path?
He embraced it in the moment to save his friends, but he didn’t fully accept it. George’s biggest fear was killing someone and for him the wolf was always completely separate from him. Now he’s killed someone and I think that puts him in a state of shock and makes him behave very erratically. He’s not happy with himself, but he’s not scared either – and I think that’s scary in itself.
Was it interesting for you to take the character in a new direction?
It’s completely rooted in truth, but he had to go somewhere completely different and it’s great to explore that side of George. He definitely has that kind of animalistic side to him, but I think it makes him grow up. He’s still loveable, sensitive, screaming George.
Nina was scratched by wolf-George at the end of the last series, what will that mean for her?
She doesn’t know the repercussions and none of the other characters know that it happened, so Nina’s journey starts off in a state of absolute fear. But nothing is ever concrete you know, she was scratched when George wasn’t fully changed so there’s lots of questions that get answered in the first episode.
What about Mitchell and Annie? What lies ahead for them?
Annie’s happy, she’s confident, she can be seen. There’s no threat for them anymore – it seems, none of them know there’s another threat. Mitchell is in a kind of limbo because there’s no one trying to kill him anymore, he’s got his blood lust under control, he’s milling around and doesn’t know what to do. The three of them start in a place that’s quite content and happy, and that changes.
We’re also going to see characters with other supernatural powers this series…
You’ll definitely come across more werewolves, ghosts and vampires. A psychic pops up too.
Wonderfull! I love his job in the series, and he is a very charismatic Werewolf, running from the common ideia of Werewolfs