Lose Yourself in a Town of Werewolves in YA Series

I just discovered a werewolf series that was recently released! Out now in hardcover and coming out in paperback November 13, 2012 is the first book in the Wolf Springs Chronicles, Unleashed, written by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié. Check out the info on Unleashed below and let us know what you think!

Book description:

“Katelyn McBride’s life changed in an instant when her mother died. Uprooted from her California home, Katelyn was shipped to the middle of nowhere, Arkansas, to her only living relative, her grandfather. And now she has to start over in Wolf Springs, a tiny village in the Ozark Mountains. Like any small town, Wolf Springs has secrets. But the secrets hidden here are more sinister than Katelyn could ever imagine. It’s a town with a history that reaches back centuries, spans continents, and conceals terrifying truths. It’s a town full of werewolves. And Katelyn McBride is about to change everything.

Broken families, ageless grudges, forced alliances, and love that blooms in the darkest night—welcome to Wolf Springs.”

According to the info on Unleashed, it’s a young adult novel. So yeah, we have another teen werewolf book read – which I am thrilled about. I know some of you prefer adult werewolf novels, but I like a mix. Unleashed sounds like it has the potential to be a truly awesome book. My only hope is that romance doesn’t take center stage.

What are your thoughts on this new book? Will you give it a read? If you have already read it, what did you think? I just got the book on my Kindle, so you can expect a review from me in the future.

– Moonlight

About the Author
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to werewolves and other supernatural beasties. She writes for top genre sites like Vampires.com and Werewolves.com. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of folklore with coffee in hand. You can stalk her via her Twitter.


By moonlight

One of the writers for werewolves.com, as well as vampires.com.


  1. Definitely going to give this book a read. As long as it’s not as weak as twilight it should be more exciting (not that I’m hating on twilight, but that story was more female. Plus with vampires and werewolves, I wish it had more blood).

  2. It’s like Twilight but, with werewolves taking the front stage. (Sorry to crach your hopes, but I didn’t really like that book. Or Twilight.)

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