Interview with Makeup Artist Dennis Preston

Special Effects guru Dennis Preston was in Decatur, Alabama this past weekend—as was yours truly, but it was a much shorter commute for me than it was for him, as I live in Alabama and he calls Chicago home—for the LEGLESS CORPSE HALLOWEEN HORROR FILM FESTIVAL. He was there to display his work, publicize his upcoming projects, and conduct a makeup tutorial. I was there to watch free movies and hang out with my friends. (Note: I work for Legless Corpse Films in my other life, as a movie critic.) Thus it was that I got to meet and chat with Dennis, and check out his impressive sampling of creature sculpts. Take a gander at some of them. lc-halloween-film-fest-preston-3Neat, ain’t they? Dennis told me the three alien heads are his favorite pieces. I think they’re kinda cute. lc-halloween-film-fest-preston-2

Dennis is something of a jack of all trades in the entertainment business. He’s a graphic artist, a makeup technician, and does more of the tech-type work as well. His goal, he told me, is to keep himself employed in show biz, and he smartly chose to develop more than one skill set to market. His first love is art, though, whether renderings on paper or creations achieved with latex and prosthetics. Among the films he’s worked on are THE LAST DAUGHTER, CABIN OF HORROR, WHAT IF, DARKNESS HAS COVERED MY LIGHT, JOURNEY TO BURGER TOWN and the upcoming BLOOD DANCERS 2. The latter two projects both feature werewolves! Unfortunately Dennis didn’t have any of his werewolf pieces along with him, but I managed to run into a werewolf at the film festival anyway. lc-halloween-film-fest-werewolf(Cute, huh?)

By The Evil Cheezman

WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS (,, specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced and directed (and occasionally acted in) over a dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and Crime genres. His first novel, THE CONFESSIONS OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER: WEREWOLF, is available for purchase at MORTUI VELOCES SUNT!

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