High Moon by David Gallaher and Steve Ellis

Werewolves may not reign supreme in the world of books and movies (that crown goes to vampires),  but when it comes to comics, they kick all sorts of ass. That’s right, I’ve got another werewolf comic for you guys! Today’s comic is High Moon! This horror-filled adventure comic tells a tale about cowboys and werewolves. It begins with a gruff bounty hunter, Macgregor, investigating strange happenings in the dusty town of Blest, Texas. While he uncovers the town’s deep dark secrets, he tries his best to keep his own hidden.

Written by David Gallaher, with incredible artwork by Steve Ellis, High Moon has a HUGE fan base and is definitely worth checking out. If you’re already a fan of the digital comic, then I’ve got some awesome news from the High Moon blog:

“This month marks the third anniversary of HIGH MOON as a digital comic series, it also marks a year since the publication of the HIGH MOON trade. All of that is very exciting stuff. To commemorate the event, Steve Ellis and I will be spending the entire month of October sharing a lot of HIGH MOON related goodies. We’ll talk about the HIGH MOON video game, discuss our experiences about Zuda, show a bunch of great HIGH MOON related art, discuss the Tristan spin-off, the planned anthology, the fifth season, we’ll also link to some online interviews, and maybe even have a contest or two.

It is our way of saying ‘Thank You’ to all of our readers and fans for their tremendous support during our last three years at DC Comics.

So, grab your Stetson and your six-shooter — and join us as we celebrate with a BANG!”

Woo! High Moon goodies AND a new werewolf video game!

You can pick up High Moon Vol. 1 here.

– Moonlight

By moonlight

One of the writers for werewolves.com, as well as vampires.com.


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