I’m sure you have all seen the many mashups out there, and how can you not, they’re everywhere! You’ve got historical mashups like Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and then you have a massive amount of literary mashups, such as Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Little Women and Werewolves and so many more. Well, I’ve got another historical mashup for you – FDR: American Badass. This one isn’t a book though, it’s going to be a movie, a movie about Franklin D. Roosevelt hunting down and killing werewolves. Seriously.
Actor Garrett Brawith will be making his directorial debut with FDR: American Badass. We hear that he plans on having FDR track down and kill werewolves like Adolf Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito in his customized wheelchair of doom. Oh man.
The script has been written by comedy writer Ross Patterson, so I think it’s safe to assume that it won’t be anything serious. Personally I think the whole thing sounds like a sad attempt to cash in on two popular fads – werewolves and unoriginal mashups. I am sure Ross Patterson and Garrett Brawith are hoping to ride the success of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, the novel by Seth Grahame-Smith which is now being turned into a big time movie. Unfortunately for them, Seth Grahame-Smith is an incredible author with a huge amount of talent – not some guy that that mimics others in the hopes of making it big.
So yeah, it’s pretty obvious that I don’t find the idea of our 32nd president wheeling around werewolves entertaining. But hell, I’ve been wrong before, so who knows, FDR: American Badass could very well be an awesome movie.
What you guys think? Does the film sound like it will be a good one? Or are you sick of all of these mashups? Let us know in a comment below.
– Moonlight
this sounds terrible. I really do not want to see it.
Yeah, I agree this guy is tring to cash in but people accuse Seth Grahame -Smith of this very thing : trying to cash in on the “vampire trend”, allegedly ignited by the Twilight aiuthor. But at the same time, I can understand why he’s doing it: because people WANT to see these movies/books. The market is so strong for this genre that it really wouldn’t make sense to try force something else on people for the time being. Personally, I like vampires and werewolves a helluva lot more than that whole “reality TV” show phase this country went through. I didn’t hear all these complaints about Big Brother, Fear Factor, The Amazing Race, and all these other shows trying to ride the coat tails of Survivor. I mean really! Now frankly this FDR film premise sounds really interesting and I would like to see it. I’ve never heard of this actor but I hope he’s corny. Usually when there is a comedian that people have never heard of, it’s because they’re just not funny, so…idk. Also, I’d like this film to be more serious and not really a comedy. If it were the Wayans Brothers or Leslie Nielsen then it could be really because they good comedians.
I was looking for info on this film and I found this weird ad. Barry Bostwick is playing FDR! Weird and hilarious.
Would England have crnuqeoed Scotland if Scotland was filled with werewolves (Think Braveheart etc.)? Or would Rome have crnuqeoed British werewolves (or the French (yet more celts) for that matter).