Exclusive Radio Interview With The Editor!

That’s right, I’m being interviewed by Dr. William Lester, tonight! You can tune in at GameConRadio.com, where I’ll be broadcast tonight, Sept. 26th, at 10pm. We’ll be talking about werewolves in general, origins, media hype, werewolves vs. vampires in pop culture, and other werewolf subjects, –we will also briefly discuss the upcoming Darkness convention, where we will be giving away a ton of goodies from new authors, new horror producers, t-shirts and more!

They also provideĀ  FREE open chat available on the front page of the site. You can freely ask any werewolf related questions, and I’ll be happy to answer. Also, while I’m here, get ready to get excited! I’ll be bringing you an exclusive interview with author Eva Gordon, quickly making a name for herself in the “Werewolf Romance” genre. A copy of each of her books will be among the other fabulous prizes at the Darkness convention.

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