Coming Soon: Red Moon by Award Winning Author Benjamin Percy

There’s a big werewolf novel heading our way! Red Moon by award winning author Benjamin Percy won’t hit book stores until May 7, 2013, but the pre-release reviews have been so fantastic I had to give the novel some early love. Yeah, I know that May is a long ways away, but judging by the reviews, this book is worth the wait. Check out the Red Moon description below.

“They live among us.
They are your neighbour, your mother, your lover.
They change.

Every teenage girl thinks she’s different. When government agents kick down Claire Forrester’s front door and murder her parents, Claire realizes just how different she is.

Patrick Gamble was nothing special until the day he got on a plane and hours later stepped off it, the only passenger left alive, a hero.

President Chase Williams has sworn to protect the people of the United States from the menace in their midst, but is becoming the very thing he has promised to destroy.

So far the threat has been controlled by laws and violence and drugs. But the night of the red moon is coming, when an unrecognizable world will emerge, and the battle for humanity will begin.”

Have a look at some of the early reviews:

“Red Moon is a serious, politically symbolic novel-a literary novel about lycanthropes. If George Orwell had imagined a future where the werewolf population had grown to the degree that they were colonized and drugged, this terrifying novel might be it.” – John Irving

“With Red Moon one of our most blazingly gifted young writers stakes his claim to national attention. Benjamin Percy has one great advantage over most writers who attempt ‘literary horror’: he understands the literature of real horror from the inside out, and he speaks it like a native. This is a novel with the power to thrill and transport, also to lead the reader well out of her comfort zone and into emotional territory few people have ever seen.” – Peter Straub

Red Moon is sounding like the horror novel werewolf fans have been waiting for. Here’s hoping it lives up to the hype.

Anyone here thinking of picking up this book in May?

– Moonlight

About the Author
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to werewolves and other supernatural beasties. She writes for top genre sites like and You will most likely find her huddled over a book of folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and you may lose a limb. You can stalk her via her Twitter.


By moonlight

One of the writers for, as well as


  1. I’m intrigued by the story, sounds unique for sure, but hasn’t given much away on what the werewolves will be like, I’m looking for something very good in that respect.

  2. Just started reading and it is pretty good so far! Looks like wether you want werewolves who are ferocious villains or werewolves you can root for this story has both as it tells the story by following the struggles of several characters both human and not.

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