Eight years. It seems more like eight seconds. Eight years ago I got offered this gig and it was, at the risk of hyperbole, a dream come true. Somebody willing to pay me for my words, and the labor of putting those words on digital paper. And having people actually read those words. It was…
Category: Uncategorized
The End of an Era
This is a good ending, something to celebrate. With the release of TOP GUN: MAVERICK (to massive critical and audience praise, incidentally) this past weekend, all the movies that got delayed by the Rona have now been released. And given the recent success of films like SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME, THE BATMAN, DOCTOR STRANGE IN…
What is a Werewolf?
The answer to this question is obvious, right? It’s when a man turns into a wolf. There. One and done. But wait, does he have to turn into a literal wolf? Can it be a wolf/human hybrid? A hairy humanoid with certain lupine features, and teeth, and claws? Yeah, sure. So a werewolf is when…
They arrived in Folkston right as the sun crested the horizon, painting the world the color of a fresh orange. Looks like it’s gonna be a beautiful morning, Maribelle said to herself. Perfect for my homecoming. Mine, and Adam’s, too, I guess. Adam had slept part of the way; Maribelle had even napped a little…
Freddy and TEEN WOLF
Concerning that image that was released as a tease for the new fourth season of STRANGER THINGS. I got so excited seeing Freddy Krueger in the background that I failed to notice, or note, that Michael J. Fox’s TEEN WOLF is also featured. I do think I’d still love STRANGER THINGS if it wasn’t set…
STRANGER THINGS Mania (and Pizza)
As the debut of the long-awaited, much-delayed fourth season of the massively popular livestreaming series is upon us, we’re seeing and hearing all kinds of examples of pop culture saturation. I love this kind of stuff. Usually—far too often, anyway—when you see society get all excited about something, it’s something I hate, like sports, or…
The New Black Panther—Found Him!
No, don’t take this as any kind of conformation. This is just a bit of dream casting on my part. What Marvel will do, and perhaps to their detriment, is put someone other than King T’Challa in the Black Panther costume. (If it ends up being anti-vaxxer transphobe Letitia Wright, I’m out.) It wasn’t necessary.…
This brasses me right the hell off. I never got to visit there. In a way that’s for the best. Had I ever been there, and established memories there, I’d probably take the closing of the place, the Monster Café at the Universal Studios theme park in Florida, a lot harder. As it is, I’m…
Dissecting the STRANGER THINGS Poster
I really have no idea why there are two S’s in “dissecting”. If you say “bisecting” you only use one S. In truth “dissect” ought to be pronounced diss-ect. As in “diss”, as in to be disrespectful. We are most certainly *not* going to diss the new poster for the forthcoming (and long anticipated) fourth…
The Devil Has Left the Building
I’ve mentioned before how I’ve started watching DAYS OF OUR LIVES once I found out the Devil had returned as a regular character. I have loved every ridiculous minute of it, too. Sure there have been some days when ol’ Scratch didn’t show up at all. Those days were disappointing. But the times when he…