That’s right, even more news for the original BBC series, Being Human, as it premiers with its third season on January 23rd. No word yet on whether or not the new werewolves will show up in the first episode of the third season (or series as its called over there), but it’s clear from the interview with Robson Green that we can expect great things from the father-son duo, who don’t take to the werewolf water quite like George and Nina; no, they’re not baby ducks so much as crocodiles, or barracudas, that lurk beneath, ready to snap up the hapless chickies and eat them. Metaphorically speaking of course; literally, however, the father and son, McNair and Tom, as portrayed by Robson Green and Michael Socha, represent the danger of temptation. They could easily lure George and Nina away from their humanity.
The UK television site, WhatsOnTV has a fascinating interview that reveals even more of what’s in store for werewolf fans in the BBC series:
“How do we meet your character McNair and his son Tom (Michael Socha)?
“George (Russell Tovey) comes across Tom in a forest in Barry – where the main cast have moved to – and realises he’s a werewolf because he has a chicken on a string like him! My character, McNair, is kidnapped by vampires – led by comedian Paul Kaye – as the full moon approaches and thrown into a cage.”
Do we find out how McNair became a werewolf?
“There’s a flashback scene later in the series. You discover how he went from being a normal guy to having the curse after vampires kidnapped him and trapped him in a cage with a werewolf. Now McNair has two objectives in life – protect his son Tom and wreak revenge on every vampire on the planet. And Herrick, who was brilliantly resurrected at the end of the last series, is his number one target.”
Are McNair and Tom very different types of werewolves to Nina and George?
“Yes. We enjoy the transformation, as we believe it makes us stronger, whereas Nina and George scream in agony. We control it and enjoy being wolf-like, but they’re wussy!”
How did you prepare for such a physical role?
“I took on a fulltime trainer to get in shape because McNair leaps about and fights a lot. We also did movement classes – there was a huge mirror like at Pineapple Studios and we looked like we were genetically troubled! The prosthetics department are amazing too – we spent five hours in make-up.”
Have you enjoyed being on the show?
“This has been one of my favourite jobs. It was great being in Wales with the rest of the cast. It was really relaxed on set and lots of fun.”
How are McNair and Tom involved with the main cast as the series progresses?
“There’s a twist in the story. Nina and George track us down as they need some information from McNair and you discover McNair is protecting a lie, but that’s as much as I can give away!”
Are you hostile towards them?
“I’m very, very wary, because Mitchell’s in the house, and vampires killed my wife. But McNair is a tough guy and nobody messes with him. He’s the werewolf equivalent to Herrick and collects vampire teeth on a necklace. McNair is even tough in his sleep!”
Were you a fan of Being Human before joining the cast of this new third series?
“I’ve been a fan since the show started as director friends of mine worked on the pilot and first series. It’s wonderful, highbrow drama, with compelling characters and great scripts.””
I think it’s cute how Green was already kind of a Being Human fanboy, before he even landed the role. And up until now, the main cast has been sort of a droopy, stereotypically English group; trim, slim, skeptical, cynical, attractive though awkward. Green is anything but the ‘stereotypical’ English guy. Check out the picture. He looks like a Jerry Springer stage hand. All he needs is a night stick and a stun gun, and he could definitely work on the show. To be fair, the character who plays his son, Tom McNair, looks like something of a doofus, but oh well, maybe he’s situationally attractive. Anyway, all these new little tidbits of info about the show are getting me all worked up. Will January 23rd ever get here?!
Michael Socha is fit!!!!!
Haha, I can’t wait!