Badass Demo Arrives For Blood of the Werewolf

I mentioned the game  Blood of the Werewolf not too long ago and now I have more news. A demo has been released! Go HERE to play it. The full game will be out this summer for PC, Nintendo eShop and PSN. So all we have now is the demo. I was totally going to play this demo but it was taking forever to download and I am impatient. So I will leave the game playing to you, my wondrous readers. Then you can tell me how it is.  I can give you more details on the game though, check them out below.

487916_581789431849582_755091476_nFrom the Steam Greelight page:

“The classic games of our childhoods were, and still are, the hardest ever made. Games like Ghosts n Goblins and Mega Man that separated the weak from the strong, but what happened to them? Did we become too soft? Could we no longer handle the stress of the white knuckle action platformer? Did we sacrifice hair trigger timing for open worlds and next gen graphics? Have we forgotten what made us love games in the first place?

With Blood of the Werewolf, Scientifically Proven is bringing those feelings of exhaustion and accomplishment, with a little bit of something new. BotW will test your limits. It will make you want to throw the controller through your TV. It will raise your blood pressure. Most of all, it will challenge you like you haven’t been challenged since the golden age of games.

In Blood of the Werewolf, you take on the character of Selena, a werewolf whose husband has been murdered and child kidnapped. You will journey through fifteen levels of white knuckle platforming, fighting the most classic of monsters like the Creature, Hyde, Dracula, Mummy, and Frankenstein, all in the name of vengeance. Blood of the Werewolf will transport you to that time long lost, when good guys wore red hats and bad guys were fat lizards with a thing for princesses.

Among the pantheon of things that go bump in the night, these creatures of the night stand above all others. Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf, and their compatriots have gone from novels, to the stage, to films, becoming pop icons along the way.

Since their turns on the silver screen over 80 years ago, Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, and the rest of the crew have appeared in over one thousand movies, TV shows, and comic books. Now, Scientifically Proven is excited to bring these nightmarish icons to your PC.”

For more info check out the official Blood of the Werewolf website.

– Moonlight

About the Author
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to werewolves and other supernatural beasties. She writes for top genre sites like and You will most likely find her huddled over a book with coffee in hand. You can stalk her via her Twitter.

By moonlight

One of the writers for, as well as

1 comment

  1. I would love to try the demo but sadly when I download it it won’t work says it’s missing some program.

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