Just say the word “werewolf” and the image summoned readily to most minds is that of Lon Chaney Jr., in the classic Universal wolf man makeup. He will forever hold a special place in the hearts of werewolf fanatics everywhere, and without his contributions (and the contributions of his father), it’s impossible to say what…
Author: brandon
Brandon Engel is an entertainment blogger for Direct-ticket.net. He is an avid consumer of media, and loves cult classics and vintage horror films. His all-time favorite vampire werewolf film is The Wolf Man (1941).
The Werewolf Film, Sans Werewolf
An American Werewolf in London was first released in the United States 32 years ago this month. The film will perhaps be best remembered for the stunning special effects from makeup artist Rick Baker (who received both an Academy Award and a Saturn Award for his contribution to the film) and it stands as a…