All New Werewolf Series on the Way -‘Seven Kinds of Hell’

I’ve got kickass news for all of the book lovers here! There a brand new werewolf series from award-winning author Dana Cameron on the way. Coming March 12, 2013 is Seven Kinds of Hell, the first book in Cameron’s Fangborn series. Hurray for new werewolf books!

Book description:

seven kinds of hell“Archaeologist Zoe Miller has been running from a haunting secret her whole life. But when her cousin is abducted by a vicious Russian kidnapper, Zoe is left with only one option: to reveal herself.

Unknown to even her closest friends, Zoe is not entirely human. She’s a werewolf and a daughter of the “Fangborn,” a secretive race of werewolves, vampires, and oracles embroiled in an ancient war against evil.

To rescue her cousin, Zoe will be forced to renew family ties and pit her own supernatural abilities against the dark and nefarious foe. The hunt brings Zoe to the edge of her limits, and with the fate of humanity and the Fangborn in the balance, life will be decided by an artifact of world-ending power.”

Werewolves AND archaeology! Obviously this is a must have. I can’t resist a bit of history mixed in with my urban fantasy. This book is totally going on my to-read list. How about you? What are your thoughts so far? Will you check out Seven Kinds of Hell when it comes out?

– Moonlight

About the Author
Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to werewolves and other supernatural beasties. She writes for top genre sites like and You will most likely find her huddled over a book of folklore with coffee in hand. You can stalk her via her Twitter.


By moonlight

One of the writers for, as well as

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